When will the sports betting start?

When will the sports betting start?

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The origin of the sports betting industry and the history of sports betting development

The earliest sports betting originated from horse racing. In the beginning of the Middle Ages, the manor owners started a horse race in order to show the strength of their manor horses and riders. At first, it was the teaching amount between the two manor owners, and later attracted a large number of villagers to watch. It attracted the interest of more manor owners and individuals, and finally formed an important social activity. Before the horse race, people hold different views on the results of the race. In order to prove that their predictions are correct, some people use bets to verify that their views are correct. In order for this bet to be fair and reasonable to the winner, People generally hand over their bets to respected, honest and credible intermediaries for safekeeping and pay some tips. After intermediaries gained certain benefits, they became more enthusiastic about this kind of competition. Later, they became professional bookmakers, and today they have developed into professional bookmakers, also commonly known as "bookmakers."

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Modern football was born in England in 1863, and football betting was born in England almost at the same time as modern football. It is recognized that the earliest public football betting was in the first British FA Cup final on March 16, 1872. The scale and level of development of football and gaming are closely related to a country's national economy and per capita living standard. In the nineteenth century, the United Kingdom, known as the "empire that never sets the sun", was the only superpower in the world at that time. The huge wealth squeezed from colonies around the world made British citizens both rich and free, and the people's energy was seriously surplus. Moreover, the United Kingdom People are also natural to gamble. Under this background, football betting was born.

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Italy is a world-famous football power. After World War II, football stadiums and other public facilities were destroyed in the war, and the country was unable to fund repairs due to financial difficulties. The domestic league was once faced with great difficulties. As a result, some non-governmental organizations and fan groups came forward to raise funds to repair the stadiums. Among them, the football lottery is the most popular form of fundraising, and it has achieved the most results. With the restoration of football facilities, fans can watch football on the stadium again, and football has also achieved unprecedented development. There are more people playing football and more people watching the football. The football market is booming accordingly. Italy The football lottery has contributed to the revival of Italian football. As a form of football betting-a football lottery is popular in the world today: Italy, Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Brazil, Singapore, etc.

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