How do I win a football bet?

How do I win a football bet?

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We often see people asking these questions in the background:

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How do I win a football bet?


Today, I decided to introduce you to the 80/20 rule in gaming profitability, and I will continue to answer your questions in the future.

What is the 80/20 rule?

The "80/20 rule", also known as the twenty-eight rule and the Pareto rule, is a very famous rule in sociology and management, and it has been fulfilled in almost all walks of life in society. I believe everyone should have heard something like this: 80% of the people in the world hold 20% of the wealth, and 20% of the people hold 80% of the wealth. This is actually the 80/20 rule. Performance in resource allocation. The 80/20 rule was discovered and put forward by the Italian economist Pareto. The general idea of the rule is: in everything, the most important part is only a small part, about 20%; and the remaining 80% is a majority, But it is secondary. In fact, the same is true in our sports betting industry. The 80/20 rule is also deeply reflected here——

The specific performance of the 80/20 rule in gambling is mainly in the following three levels:

1. The 80/20 rule in the gambling industry: For the entire gambling industry, the 80/20 rule is expressed as: 20% of the funds are allocated to 80% of bettors, and 80% of the funds are controlled by 20% of the people ( We often say that the bookmaker/bookmaker). Throughout the industry, most participants are actually resource contributors. The main source of 80% of the funds is actually those of us players, that is, betting bettors, but its final ownership is in the hands of gambling institutions and bookmakers at the top of the gaming industry. And the remaining 20% of funds are "allocated" to us. Therefore, in the gambling industry, only those institutions and bookmakers will always make the most profits. What we get through betting is only a tiny bit of profit. And even if we know that this is an "unfair", we as bettors are helpless, because without those institutions and bookmakers, bettors would not even have the opportunity to bet.

2. The 80/20 rule among betting bettors: The 80/20 rule is limited to our group of bettors. The 80/20 rule has a similar performance: about 20% of bettors are making profits and 80% of bettors are making losses. There are a large number of bettors, but only 20% of the funds allocated, which is destined to be a game where only a few people can achieve profitability. But why are the same betting, most people are losing money, but only a few people can really maintain long-term profit? This is because most people just stay on the issues of "Which game to buy today", "Which banker's prediction to bet with today", "How much to bet today" for gambling, but never have a deeper and longer perspective. In the final analysis, they just treat gambling as an overnight thing. The lack of awareness of fund management, unreasonable betting planning, or unstable mentality, etc. have also led to the failure of most bettors. This is actually not an easy task-after all, this is an extremely human-testing game. How to become this "20%" and how to achieve profitability has become a question that 80% of bettors have been thinking about.

3. The 80/20 rule on the betting company handicap: In addition, the handicap in gambling also follows the 80/20 rule-only about 20% of the handicap opened by the institution may be profitable. The remaining 80% of the market will likely lead to losses. The bookmaker opens a variety of handicap, not to provide betting bettors with "humanized services", but to create a trap to confuse and induce players to place bets. Those market orders that seem reasonable and can bring profit, in fact, are likely to be minefields. Because of any market, the institution has to go through precise calculations and analysis before opening to ensure that the market is "double-standard" rather than "absolutely fair", that is, it is only beneficial to the dealer but not to the players. Therefore, do not bet impulsively in the face of a variety of markets, especially when you are in roll, because you are likely to buy the 80% of the market that will lead to a loss. For newcomers, if you don't want to pay too much tuition in the gaming industry, the best way is to buy the initial handicap.

Finally, as bettors, what we want to be is naturally the "20%" who can achieve profitability. How to become? It's nothing more than those aspects-making a betting plan, rationally distributing funds, maintaining a good attitude, controlling yourself not to bet randomly, etc. These are all clichés, I believe everyone understands, so I won't describe them too much. Here, 24H SPORTS mainly recommends that you start with the following details. Only when you do every detail well, will you get closer and closer to achieving profitability:

1. Adjust your betting expectations: What does it mean to lower your "betting expectations" that are too high for each game? The popular point is to look a little bit at the result of each game and maintain the mentality of "no loss is win". When our expectations are too high and the actual returns fall short of our inner standards, there will often be a psychological gap, which will have a great impact on our betting. When betting on the game, he regards half of the profit as a push, and regards the push as a loss. Only a full profit is a profit. Therefore, when he often wins half or pushes, he may be "eager to make a profit". Raise blindly in the middle, this is the impact of excessive psychological expectations. In their eyes, winning half or pushing is "almost" as losing money. Because the inner expectations are too high, I have strong profit expectations for every game and "high hopes", but when the inner high standards are not reached in the end, dissatisfaction will arise, and I feel that even if I make less, I am unhappy even if I win. So irrational betting behaviors such as blind raises appeared. This is very dangerous for people who want to maintain long-term investment and achieve profitability. Therefore, please adjust your betting expectations and do not set too high.

2. Cherish your penny: No matter how little money is, we all understand the truth, but when it comes to placing a bet, some people don't take it seriously. There is a fraction-betting; there is a turnover-betting. As long as the money is small enough, it can be used for casual betting. This is actually a very bad betting habit, which will make you lose a lot of profits that you shouldn't lose. We always like to compare the odds, but we disagree with the small amount of turnover. In fact, if you think carefully, these small amounts of turnover are not more valuable than the odds of a few tenths? After all, the odds are not guaranteed to be harvested, but the small amount of turnover is already owned. Therefore, if you don't want to let your funds go away invisibly, if you want to increase your profits and reduce your losses, the best way is to collect your small amount of turnover.

3. Betting pattern: If you want to be the few winners, you must first have a higher mindset than others. The same is true in the gaming industry. What is your perception of betting? If you just stay on the question of "how much can a game be profitable", it is far from enough, because you can only see the present but not the long-term. If you want to expand your structure and improve your thinking, you need to think about betting and reorganize it to find out what you ultimately want, and what you need to improve and give up in order to get this. Specifically, for betting, we should put our long-term focus on long-term goals and planning, not just the winning or losing of a game.

The above is all the content shared this time, it is a bit long, thank you for your patience to read.