Why do bookies bolck odds?Why do live bets freeze?

Why do bookies bolck odds?Why do live bets freeze?

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Why do bookies bolck odds?

Bookmakers may block or limit the odds on a particular bet or market if they believe that they are at risk of losing a significant amount of money. This can happen if a large number of bettors are placing wagers on a particular outcome, or if there is a lot of information or news that suggests that a certain outcome is more likely to occur than the odds suggest. Additionally, bookmakers may also block or limit the odds on a particular bet or market as a precautionary measure, to reduce their overall risk.

What does it mean when live odds are suspended?

When live odds are suspended, it means that betting on the specific event or market is temporarily halted. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as an injury to a key player, a delay in the event, or an unexpected event that may affect the outcome of the game. Bookmakers may suspend live odds in order to evaluate the situation and adjust the odds as needed to reduce their risk. Once they have evaluated the situation and updated the odds, they will open the betting again.

Another reason why live odds can be suspended is because the bookmakers have reached the maximum amount of money they are willing to accept on a specific outcome. This is done to balance the book and avoid a big loss.

It's also possible that the suspension of live odds is due to a technical issue with the betting platform.

Why do live bets freeze?

Live bets can freeze for several reasons. One possibility is that there is a technical issue with the betting platform or website that is causing the odds to not update correctly. This could be due to high traffic or a problem with the server.

Another possibility is that there is a delay in the event that is causing the odds to be suspended. For example, if a football match is delayed due to bad weather, the odds may be frozen until the match starts again.

Also, it can happen that the bookmakers have reached the maximum amount of money they are willing to accept on a specific outcome. This is done to balance the book and avoid a big loss.

In addition, live bets can freeze if there is a sudden change in the game, such as a red card, a goal, or an injury to a key player. Bookmakers may freeze the odds to evaluate the situation and adjust the odds as needed.

It's important to note that live bets are more dynamic and unpredictable than pre-match bets, and therefore, the odds may fluctuate more frequently and be temporarily suspended more often.

Can bookies ban you for winning too much?

Yes, it is possible for a bookmaker to ban a customer for winning too much. This is known as being "gubbed" or "restricted" by a bookmaker.

Bookmakers rely on the majority of their customers losing money in order to make a profit, and they may view a customer who consistently wins as a liability. Some bookmakers may choose to restrict or limit the bets of a winning customer, or even to close their account altogether.

However, it is worth noting that most reputable bookmakers will not ban or restrict a customer for winning, as long as the customer is not using any prohibited methods to gain an unfair advantage, such as insider information or illegal betting syndicates. It's also worth noting that most reputable bookmakers have a policy of responsible gambling, and will not stop a customer from winning as long as they are gambling responsibly and within their means.

It's important to read the terms and conditions of the bookmaker before placing any bets, and always gamble responsibly.